391 Richmond Rd, Irvine, KY 40336
Toll Free: 877-331-9081 Local: 606-726-0202
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391 Richmond Rd, Irvine, KY 40336
Toll Free: 877-331-9081 Local: 606-726-0202
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Origin & History

During the Dark Ages, the fern seed was believed to render men invisible. In medieval England, the root of the common male fern was an important ingredient in love potions, as demonstrated in this ancient Gaelic song:

"Twas the maiden's matchless beauty
That drew my heart anigh,
Not the fern-root potion,
But the glance of her blue eye."

Color Messages

The fern generally signifies sincerity, confidence, and shelter. A royal fern denotes reverie, while the exchange of a maidenhair fern expresses a secret bond of love.

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